If you want a trial and you know what age-group you are enquiring about then please contact the manager below.
Otherwise, for Academy enquiries, please contact:
Craig Nicholson:
email: academy@pinnerunitedfc.com
For all other team enquiries, please contact:
email: headcoach@pinnerunitedfc.com
IMPORTANT: When making a player enquiry on behalf of your child via the form on the right, please give their date of birth, school year and post code. Details of any team playing experience would also be of help if Year 3 or above.
Alternatively, fill in the form on the right.
Age groups for 2024/25 season:
Reception/Year1 academy@pinnerunitedfc.com
Under 7s (Year 2): academy@pinnerunitedfc.com
Under 8s (Year 3) headcoach@pinnerunitedfc.com
Under 9S (Year 4) Dipesh 07725 324813
Under 10s (Year 5) Dave 07515 542524
Under 11s (Year 6): Jay 07876 785949
Under 13R (Year 8): Raj 07946 071471
Under 13W (Year 8): Darshan 07515 532181
Under 15s (Year 10): Mark 07930 556893
Please fill in the details below and someone will contact you:
IMPORTANT: When making a player enquiry via the form below please give the player's date of birth, school year and post code. Details of any playing experience will be of help if Year 3 or above. If you fail to do this it is unlikely we will be able to reply. Thank you.
Please add information requested above.